Sunday 8 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. Now that I have a 16 month old baby, I can appreciate the hardships mothers have to endure. I salute all mothers and dedicates this blog to you.

Recently, my family did a road trip to the United States, which includes a visit to the Monterey Bay aquarium. The mystics of the oceans never failed to fascinate me, though this was not my first visit to the aquarium. Life forms in the oceans are so varied and colorful, with each playing a minute yet important part in the ecological system.
Colors of Life



We are also pleasantly surprised to discover the Moon Jellies have patterns very similar to four-leaf clover which symbolizes faith, hope, love and luck and brings good luck to the finder. We hope they bring good luck to you :)

Once again, Happy Mother's Day!