Wednesday 14 September 2011

Cloth diaper goes a long way

We have been advocating the use of cloth diapers for slightly more than a year now. In fact, we have been using cloth diapers on our girl, presently 20 month old, since she turned 3 months. We made the switch then as she has very sensitive skin, and tends to have buttock redness when she use disposable diapers as per normal usage. The common remedy we learned and practiced was to apply diaper rash cream on the affected areas. With research and experimentation, we found that cloth diapers are more gentle for our girl, and solved her skin problems. We did not have to apply any more diaper cream, but we did use California Baby organic cream to moisturize the skin 1-2 times a day. We have to admit it is a lot of work, especially since the diapers have to be washed. But, we know it is better for our baby. Also, the diapers can be recycled for her siblings in future, and so we can save some money then. And knowing our efforts help to save the environment is always consoling.

Besides advocating, we used our knowledge to design and manufacture our own cloth diapers, branding it as SgBum. It is interesting to note many people are reluctant to use cloth diapers, not even wanting to try. These include some of our close friends as well. We respect individual's preference. It is also interesting to note more people are asking about the use of cloth diapers, often testing out with one, and later purchasing a package which is more economical. The trend seems to suggest education outreach and peer reviews helps to advance the message about the benefits of cloth diapers. To end this short blog, I like to end with the message that cloth diaper goes a long way.