Tuesday 8 March 2011

Why should I use cloth diapers?

  Today marks International Women's Day. We celebrate today with all women.

On this symbolic day, it is perhaps justified to discuss about the use of cloth diapers. A quick search on Google will bring you many referenced and cited articles on this topic. I will reference a few for the interested. Under the FAQ section on SgBum website, you will also find quantitative reasons for using cloth diapers.

We advocate the use cloth diapers as we believe that they are good for our baby. When we had our baby, we tried muslins, disposables and cloth diapers. We were receptive to trying new products as long as they are good for our baby. As we discover, there is no black-and-white distinctions between these products. At the end of the day, it depends on the efforts, time and cost to the parents. Some parents dreaded the thoughts of washing diapers, do not mind paying more for better disposables, and the formula works for them. Others emphasized on economics or the environments, and have their own formulae. By formula, I mean mix and match of disposable and cloth diaper use. For us, the well-being of the baby is the most important factor. We also want to lead a more ecologically sustainable life-style. And we want to save on the diaper cost. For these beliefs, it seems cloth diaper is the clear winner, and that is why we advocate the use of cloth diapers, and we hope to educate more people to use them.

To wrap on this discussion, individual preferences dictate the "use" or "no-use" of cloth diapers. If you do decide to use cloth diapers, you will find that it is better for the well-being of your baby, it is better for the environment and it saves you money. Of course, there are many cloth diaper brands out in the market. As long as you choose quality cloth diapers, the statement should hold true for you, just as it has for us.

(1) Real Diaper Association
Article: http://www.realdiaperassociation.org/diaperfacts.php

(2) The New Parents' Guide
Article: http://www.thenewparentsguide.com/diapers.htm

(3) Adoption.com
Article: http://library.adoption.com/articles/why-use-cloth-diapers.html